We Need Your Vote

We received three entries for our T-shirt design contest, and all of them feature adorable designs. Now, we invite you to vote for the best design to feature on a T-shirt.

Voting ends on September 4th. The winning design will be showcased on T-shirts available for purchase in the near future!

Here are the details of each entry:

  • Entry #1: “Art in Bloom” – This design showcases a blend of colors cascading towards vibrant large flowers, accompanied by a cheerful butterfly enjoying their nectar. The bright and lively colors symbolize happiness and positivity.
  • Entry #2: “Artist Kitty” – This playful design features a creative striped kitty with a paint brush clutched in its paw, painting a bright, happy flower on a canvas.
  • Entry #3: “Artist’s Palette” – This design showcases a wooden artist’s palette adorned with a variety of colorful paints. It includes paintbrushes and a tube of purple paint to enhance its artistic appeal.

To cast your vote, simply click on the circle at the bottom of your favorite design, then scroll down and click on the “Vote” button.

We’re excited to see which design you choose as the winner! Thank you for participating and supporting The Artist’s Retreat T-shirt Design Contest. Your opinion matters and will help us create something truly special.

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